There are plenty of sources for generic signs, but the fact is most municipalities typically end up needing custom signs specific to their area and region. And, unlike very basic materials that are designed for temporary signage or protected by shelter and building, a good amount of local government signage also needs to be exposed to the elements and very visible to the community. That requires quality materials and craftsmanship so that the signage actually lasts and remains durable, even under the worst weather and time of year.
Here are some of the most reputable businesses in Vermont that can handle custom signage by today’s standards:
- Worksafe Traffic Control Industries
- Great Big Graphics
- Sign Depot
- Kershner Signs
- Mountain View Sign Design
- Design Signs
Find a company that Covers the Gamut of Municipal Signage Needs
You will want a company that provides all types of functional and public signage for all types of municipal needs. Whether it’s snow signs that need to handle road salt, moisture and wind, or city signs that need to be reflective at night, this company should be able to easily fabricate custom signage specific to a city or regional need without trouble or challenge.
A Dedication to Helping Find the Right Mix
You will also want a team that is highly adept at working through design and prototypes with agencies working on concepts and not quite sure what the customized choice should actually look like. They should partner with government offices and work through each step of the creation, developing real samples that can be shown to management teams and decision-makers for real-time directions and commitment to production orders. This company will have no problem working through requests for information, pre-bids and sampling to help agency procurement officers nail down exactly what is needed for their programs and deliverables.
A Company that Can Handle History Too
Historical signage tends to be a common, unique and customizable order that many sign companies receive orders for on a regular basis. Most such orders need to reflect the institution or location they are being placed in rather than just looking generic and basic in appearance. The company you work with should do the research and put in the time to really understand how the sign will be used, its placement and the audience most likely to use it the most to identify the best materials and display for the need. The result tends to be customized signage that really works for the placement, oftentimes noted by visitors.
One that Couple Desk Specs with Field Visits
Where custom signage is needed for unique placement demands, the planning team of the company you choose to work with should frequently perform on-location surveys and site visits to fully understand the dimensions and logistics of the expected location placement. They may find that there may be placement complications that need to be addressed, or the visibility of the signage isn’t maximized. By actively looking for these limitations, they help agencies realize the best potential for their sign orders versus just filling a generic spec and mass-producing signs willy-nilly. Municipalities oftentimes align with this approach, as they have a better fit to their expected demand, and their constituents often appreciate the extra attention as well.
High Tech Delivery for Better Communication on Procurement
You should look for a company that takes advantage of technology design to produce packages and review kits that make it easy for agencies and offices to see what they are ordering. Because all the initial design and revisions are digital, they will be able to send them out in high quality electronic formats that provide high detail and placement features expected. This gives customers an easy and practical understanding of how the given custom sign is going to look long before the first prototype is even fabricated. It saves on a lot of otherwise potential mistakes and errors in fabrication as well as commitments of public funds. If there is an aspect that turns out to be the wrong direction, high-tech modeling allows partners to catch the issue before a major production commitment is made. That saves from frustration as well as valuable resources that would otherwise be wasted.